August 31, 2005


I'm feeling a bit like



August 25, 2005

Mother Nature

It’s been a while since my last post.

Not that I haven’t got anything to say, we all do but, there are things that are easier to say.

I’m not a humanist and I will never be one.

Among others, the main reason for this is that I really believe that Humans are the less intelligent animals on this planet – regard that I’m not implying that people don’t think – we do think a lot – that doesn’t mean we’re intelligent in any way. Nowadays, and most of the times, we just use our thinking abilities to put some reason, or order, into what we already know. This is – we are becoming victims (not really victims – we’re conscious of what we do) of the amount of knowledge and pre-definitions that already compose the society into which we are delivered bare handed – quite naked has proved through science and philosophy throughout the years (therefore the importance of a good education).

If we think a little about it we can almost say that knowledge opposes intelligence – it really doesn’t but, we are proving it through our actions and thoughts. The global consciousness that should be present in all of us is always fixed to suit the general benefit of a small group of people – the USA as a country and it’s habitants (almost like a zoo – build on the effort of all but for the profit of a few – statistics prove this point) is the leader in this kind of action. Being the worlds most «advanced» (eheheh) country and an example for the rest… Well, you can guess what’s next. Just as an example – they (the workers, the troopers… common folks) aren’t responsible for anything apart from being obsessed with their own bellybutton – the global consciousness that should arise through globalization – bringing people together (it’s mostly about economy – has usual) – is turning into a breakpoint between people – no matter what anyone says, individuals have never been so individual has today.

Can you think about it without beginning from yourself?

Can you see things from the outside to the inside?

Are you prepared to give up on what you already know and have been living with all your life?

Will you even consider it?





Just to say that we are the only animal specie (virus kind) that doesn’t live in complete harmony with everything else – animals change to fit the changes of nature – we change nature to fit our own individual bellybutton. Ever imagined if (that’s the main problem nowadays) everyone follows their own different way having in mind that we are the center of the universe. Can’t we see we are doing exactly what we’re against. Just for the benefit of a few. A few which have the gift of persuasion. The few that will take all of us and everything else, unless we do something about it (global conscience), to the grave.

Till then the very best of good fortune for all. Don’t forget where you’re living. If we do, we’ll be reminded sooner or latter – something will remind us and extract all of us and our pets has if we were a virus – we really are.

May 11, 2005

The daisy ...

I saw a daisy flying over a road. Petals, leaves, honey ... All flying in the air with no care.

Suddenly cars run over this beautiful daisy. The daisy was splashed against the road and it appeared to be completely out of life. Was it?

I couldn’t just stand there has if I didn’t saw anything so I approached the road and the daisy to have a better look. It appeared to me that the daisy was still alive but it wasn’t beautiful anymore… It was the same daisy I saw flying but it didn’t look the same to me. It was a flat daisy!

Nevertheless I couldn’t leave the daisy there. It was the very same daisy I loved to see dancing in that piece of air – it really made me feel a lot better – just that little moment when it was dancing.

Couldn’t help it – I had to give it a hand – I’ve loved it when it was flying – I love it now – it is the same daisy I’m seeing and touching. I’ve thrown it into the bright air over the road – it flew… The daisy picked up where she left and went on flying and gave my life something to laugh about.

You see, it was only a little hand that made the difference – which reminds me that that daisy could be anyone I knew and, most of the time, we only need a little hand to start flying again.

I hope that someday, someone, something, will give me their hand when in need – I’ll give you mine.

May 10, 2005

Someone by my side ...

Have you ever stopped to think who is by your side - who is he/she ? What is he/she ? Why is he/she ?

Have you ever realy known who you are ? Who are you ? What are you ? Why you ?

Humm ...

Recently I got to the conclusion that even those who I realy trust - my real friends - aren't trustable when we talk about loving someone! Most of them aren't faithful and have side affairs. Why can't someone be true in these kind os things - the most important ones I belive.

Now I've got to the point where I'm starting to think that even that one that I realy trusted ... Maybe ... Appart from what I know ... Has been engaged in some of those side affairs - even with their friends loved ones!! You don't know what you don't see!!

It is realy sad to come to the conclusion that almost everyone has secrets among their relations - I could never be this way, even if I wanted to - My heart woulnd't allow it anyway ... But, that's me.

And if we think a little more, we can also get to the conclusion that everyones reacting to the same ilusions - to live your life in the ilusion won't ever make you realy happy. Hope you feel this - If you don't, you should - with everyones ilusion coming together, no one knows what's real anymore.

Bad Humans - bad bad Human being ...

As some would say - whatever :-)

April 18, 2005


Sorry for being so far from here ...
I cannot ask you to stay cos I can't feel it will forever be this way ...
The way you and I have dreammed but cannot be just because of me ...
I can't stop wondering if someday I'll be ...

Probably I'll die before I can reach it but, if so, I'll die trying ...

January 31, 2005

... the same old news ...


It seems that our relatives living in the USA are prosecuting more and more youngsters every year. The youngsters are prosecuted by the parents of their girlfriends witch say that they have «sexually abused» their daughters! Let us see – The girl wants it (OK) – The boy wants it (OK) – They go on to bed and make whatever they want to do (OK) – It’s a free country(or maybe NOT)! So these boys are entitled to a life of pain and misconception, this is, most of them are accused and go to jail from 1 to 3 years time and, that being the less, afterwards they aren’t able to have a normal life anymore – WHY? – They are entitled to have a «sexual abuse» remark in their criminal records – Thinking of giving a job to someone who has sexually abused someone?! Well let us see!! This is an example of the fourth world country reasoning style. Let us see – The Turkish parents have the right to kill their daughters (but only if they want to – unfortunately it is usual) if they have sex before marriage – The Michigan state residents (probably the fourth world leading state) have the right to kill (socially speaking) their daughters boyfriends.

This isn’t funny in any way. This is a remark for all of us who live among «people» that have this kind of reasoning.

I used to think that Bush (mostly – we can include almost every USA president in this) was the big responsible in making the world a worst place to live – Now it seems to me that the «native!» (I really like calling them natives!!) Americans are also the big responsible because they support Bush’s actions has never before – They (not all but the majority) are becoming less socially conscious and that is becoming unbearable. Mainly because whatever the USA do will influence the whole world and they know it!

!!!! No more for today – It annoys me to know that human beings can be this selfish!!!!

Let us sing - «I’ve got the whole world in my hands! »

January 21, 2005


For all who love, a big THANK YOU :)